Prof. Maja Pajek, Ph.D.
- Basics of movements in sport - UNI Bachelor’s degree - Kinesiology, UNI Bachelor’s degree - Sports Training, UNI Bachelor’s degree - Sports Education
- Pilates na blazinah - izbirni predmet - UNI Bachelor’s degree - Sports Training, UNI Bachelor’s degree - Sports Education, UNI Bachelor’s degree - Kinesiology
- Rhythmic gymnastics - Master’s degree - Sports Education
- Športna gimnastika 2 - Master’s degree - Sports Education
- Športna gimnastika 3 - Master’s degree - Sports Education
- Sports Gymnastics with Rhytmics 1 - UNI Bachelor’s degree - Sports Training, UNI Bachelor’s degree - Sports Education, UNI Bachelor’s degree - Kinesiology
- Sports Gymnastics with Rhytmics 2 - UNI Bachelor’s degree - Sports Education