Faculty of Sport is the leading educational, professional and scientific-research institution in the field of kinesiology and sport in Slovenia. It implements three bachelor’s degree programmes and three master’s degree programmes (one in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics) as well as one doctoral programme. At the bachelor’s level, it educates professionals for work in outside school sports activities and in sports programmes in private sector. It also educates for sports coaches and other professionals for physical preparation in sports organisations as well as in tourism and preventive health programs. Graduates of master’s study programmes can become physical education teachers in schools or sports professionals who carry out sports activities with the elderly or with people with chronic diseases or injuries or they can work in the field of sports management. The doctoral programme is aimed at scientific research and development work in the field of kinesiology.
The basic scientific research activities take place within two research programmes. The research programme “Bio-psycho-social context of Kinesiology” examines on the one hand the effects of sports training in hypoxic conditions and on the other hand physical activity and health, including motor development in children and youth. In the research programme “Kinesiology in mono-structured,poly-structural and conventional sports” researchers study human movement in space and time in terms of modelling competition and success as well as the issue of preparation processes of athletes in accordance with appropriate measurement procedures and technologies. Applied research activity takes place within the framework of various international projects in cooperation with industry and other societal stakeholders.
The main target of the implementation of multidisciplinary research, measurement and consultancy projects is to support the development of athletes aiming at quality and high-level competitive sports. The Faculty’s participation in designing and testing of sports equipment is conducted for the needs of the fields of elite sports and sport for all. A highlight comes in dealing with optimizing the movement of high-level athletes and their sports equipment, as well as the protection of health and the positive effects of exercise (research work in the field of biomechanics). The Institute of Kinesiology targets the market of high-level Slovenian athletes and carries out tests and projects for many athletes from abroad. Of special interests are the preparations for the World Championships and Olympic Games.
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